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New Term, New Year – Moving into 2022 with the revised Early Years framework.

As we all fuel up to start 2022 we have no real idea what to expect – but what we do know is that we are a term into the new EYFS and we are all still adapting.

In December Ofsted published a research and analysis paper “Education recovery in Early Years providers: Autumn” ( This article recognises the continued challenges facing early years providers and the amount of time dedicated to supporting England’s youngest children.

Back in October (which seems a long time ago) the DFE released 3 short videos titled “Implementing the Early Years Foundation Stage Reform” ( These were developed using views from a combination of practitioners and leaders from the Early Adopter Schools and Ofsted. The clips focus on interaction in children’s learning and highlight the importance of maximising adult interaction and teaching, whilst providing a reminder that there should be a move away from excessive recording of evidence, something that has been welcomed by practitioners. There is a focus on both ‘formal’ teaching of skills and independent learning through play.

Despite Early Years Providers being open since June 2020 when the first National reopening occurred, we still have a generation of lockdown babies. Children under 2 have now spent nearly 100% of their lives in some sort of lockdown. Providers notice that this cohort of children has different characteristics to previous cohorts – particularly their interaction with other children – their behaviour and social skills needed more support and many settings reported that an increased number of children were struggling with separation from their main carers and were more wary of unfamiliar people. Some settings, both early years and reception classes, noted that speech and language was a growing concern.

What we do know, one term in, both from working in schools and from the messages from Ofsted and the DFE, is that the key to successful Early Years Education is interaction from skilled adults. In light of this, what has been done and how can we continue to develop to ensure our curriculum offers in-school and early year’s settings to support both the revised framework and the growing needs of the Covid children?

Communication, Speech and Language:

As Early Years (and Primary) Providers we know the importance of a wide breadth of language and vocabulary and it’s essential that language is a key focus on all settings. Practitioners must be immersed in play to model language and introduce new vocabulary. The role of high-quality texts with the classroom and the opportunity to hear and explore language is key in giving children the opportunity to discover and use new language in context.

Examples of opportunities for immersion in language are during snack time, within domestic roleplay, having story -telling and rhyme tables and ensuring that adults have time both indoors and outdoors to be part of play – modelling and recasting language to allow children to hear high quality language in play. Having opportunities for small start sessions and rhyme sessions give children exposure to rhyme, story- telling and opportunities to ask questions about stories, plots and events. In some settings author visits (virtually and in person) have been a stimulus for story -telling and small world play.

In school settings many Reception classes are taking part in the government funded NELI programme. ( focusing on identifying and working with key children to develop language skills. As this programme moves forward, the rest of the Reception year children will have targeted small group interventions focused on their needs and supporting them within the context of their class.

Personal, Social Interactions Skills:

We know that for all children there has been some impact due to the loss of socialisation over the last 2 years. Many children have not had the early interaction experiences we have taken for granted; from toddler groups and soft play visits to library rhyme times and baby groups. It is essential that providers are sensitive to this and understand these missing building blocks in children’s abilities to play and interact with other children.

To support personal and social skills, settings have reported that they are spending more time playing games – in my reception class we have weekly ‘buddy board games and book sessions’ – time each week for our Year Six ‘buddies’ to model turn-taking – this also gives them the chance to have responsibility and interaction with children of a different age.

Some settings have introduced daily social interaction times when children spend time in groups completing challenges, puzzles and playing simple games. Where possible, we have been trying to find ways and setting work to support families at home too – offering outdoor play and stay sessions, game borrow bags and family challenges.

As well as interpersonal challenges many settings have reported the need to have a focus on fostering children independence, confidence and resilience. Many settings have reported that children are less confident completing self-care routines and have been bringing in ways to support this through snack times, role play areas, having clothes for dressing and undressing and have been providing interactive online parent sessions focusing on ways to support children at home.

Physical Development:

We know that some children have spent far more time outdoors than pre-Covid, but for others the last two years has meant far more time at home indoors in front of technology.

Reception classes have reported that more children than usual have limited skills using cutlery and have been focusing on this as part of their self-care.

We all know the value of the outdoors for physical development and well-being and, from this, settings have put an increased focus on learning outside the classroom, with additional money being spent on climbing and moving equipment and opportunities to develop gross motor skills; we all know that before a child can write they must have developed their gross motor skills so this is key in early education. Programmes like Dough Disco ( and Squiggle while you Wiggle ( are activities that I have been doing with all my children to develop their gross motor and coordination skills this year in addition to the normal activities we do each day.

Reception classes are spending time developing gross motor skills through PE and outdoor play – this is also an opportunity for socialisation and team building skills.

Offering wider learning opportunities in the world around us:

We know that Covid babies have missed valuable socialisation experiences and opportunities to explore the world around them. Many will have had wonderful experiences in their local area with time outside with families and within the garden. However, this is not the case for all children. We must be mindful of the experiences Covid has stolen from our youngest children.

Settings and schools must have a heightened awareness of the context of their children. Leaders need to know the background of their cohorts to ensure that they are offering them a broad range of opportunities to ensure that they have the knowledge and skills to build on for the next experiences they have in their school journey.

What we continue to be unable to do in the same way is immerse our youngest children in the communities around them - visits to care homes and some trips remain one of the barriers that Covid is presenting.

But we can be creative; we can give them opportunities to experience awe and wonder in the world around them. We can sing from outside the window to care home residents, we can have visitors to our settings, we can insure that there are onsite experiences - animals, people and activities, we can make links with local food banks and take walks to drop food at ‘Little Pantries’ in our area. My school has links with the food bank, local care home and church as well as schools abroad to ensure that our children continue to understand the values of giving and the importance of community spirit.

Supporting staff and fostering Well-Being:

We must not forget the challenges that Early Years staff have faced and continue to face – they are teaching both remotely and face to face and have been faced with staff shortages, illness and the unknown. It’s extremely important that training continues to be in place to support the wellbeing and skills of staff.

Although the EYFS profile is a statutory assessment at the end of the Foundation Stage it is clear that it should not be used as a ‘tick list’ or as an accountability measure for staff. The profile is there as a “best fit” to ensure that if children have a broad and balanced curriculum taught to them, they will have the skills and knowledge to be prepared for their next steps in education and a mind that is ready to thrive and flourish as they move onto the challenges of Key Stage One.

What is catch up: (future training to come linked to this mid January)

As the government announces additional funding for schools in the next academic year ( and there is an increase in programmes to support Early Years children, what we need to be clear on is - "What is catch up in the Early Years?" Our youngest children have missed some of their earliest experiences and only time will tell what the lasting effects of this are. But for now, we must ensure that they have high quality interactions with children and adults, and that they have play-based experiences. Through high quality interaction where they are immersed in language we will give them the best possible start as the world’s 'Covid babies'.

What we do know is that the generations before us have all faced their own unique challenges; 100 years ago it was Spanish flu, 60 years ago it was World War 2, and we know that through love, care and nurturing children from all these generations have become well rounded members of society.

So, with a broad and balanced early education as the building blocks for future learning, all children can thrive and succeed in this unusual time.

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